As a Yoga practitioner, teacher, and scholar, I can confidently say that this millenary holistic practice is way more than just its asanas, the physical postures.

International Day of Yoga

It’s a transformative journey that brings together and nurtures our physical bodies, mental faculties, and intimate souls to dig deep into our truest selves.

Every year, on June 21st, the world unites to celebrate this ancient practice on International Day of Yoga. But this celebration goes beyond just a day; it’s a powerful reminder of the profound impact Yoga can have on our lives.

The Seeds of a Global Movement

The story of International Day of Yoga is one of recognition and shared purpose. In 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed the idea to the United Nations, highlighting Yoga’s immense potential for universal well-being. Recognizing its unifying power and vast benefits, the UN declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga, a day to raise global awareness about this ancient practice.

Celebrating the Wholeness of Yoga

The theme for 2024, “Yoga for Self and Society“, perfectly encapsulates the true essence of Yoga. Yoga isn’t just about achieving the perfect downward-facing dog or mastering complex breathing techniques. It’s about cultivating a sense of wholeness within ourselves, one that radiates outward and fosters a more harmonious society.

Beyond the Asana: The Path to Growth

While the physical postures (asanas) of Yoga are often the most visible aspect, they are just one piece of the puzzle. The true goal of Yoga lies in fostering self-growth and inner exploration. Through mindful movement, pranayama (breathwork), and meditation, we cultivate inner strength, emotional resilience, and a sense of calm amidst life’s many challenges.

The roots of Yoga stretch back millennia, and the word Yoga itself comes from the Sanskrit word युज् – yuj, meaning to yoke or to unite. This union signifies the integration of the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our being.

A Welcoming Embrace for All

The beauty of Yoga lies in its accessibility. It’s a practice that can be embraced by people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or someone just starting your wellness journey, Yoga offers a path for growth and self-discovery. International Day of Yoga serves as a powerful invitation to explore this transformative practice.

A Path of Growth and Transformation

The true power of Yoga lies in its ability to cultivate personal growth.

The Yamas and Niyamas, ethical guidelines and self-disciplines, provide a framework for living a meaningful and compassionate life. By practising non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), and non-stealing (asteya), we not only improve our own well-being but also contribute to a more harmonious world.

As a follower of the tradition of Patañjali, I base my practice on the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, a collection of Sanskrit sutras (or aphorisms) on the theory and practice of Yoga.

The Yoga Sutras are best known for their reference to Ashtanga, eight elements of practice culminating in Samadhi, the highest state of mental concentration and awareness that people can achieve while still in their body.

The eight elements are Yama (abstinences), Niyama (observances), Asana (yoga posture), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration of the mind), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (absorption or stillness).

The main aim of the practice of Yoga is कैवल्यKaivalya, the detachment and the discernment of पुरुषPurusha, the witness-consciousness, as being distinct from प्रकृतिPrakriti, the cognitive apparatus.

Image taken from Internet

Celebrating Together: A Day of Unity and Connection

On International Day of Yoga, communities all over the world come together to celebrate the unifying power of Yoga. Mass yoga sessions are held in parks, squares, and community centres, creating a vibrant tapestry of human connection. It’s a day to share the joy of Yoga, learn from one another, and reaffirm our commitment to living a more mindful and present life.

A Lifelong Journey: Beyond the Day

International Day of Yoga is a springboard, a powerful starting point for a lifelong journey of self-discovery. The true magic happens when we integrate the principles of Yoga into our daily lives. By finding moments for mindful movement, practising breathwork throughout the day, and cultivating a spirit of self-reflection, we carry the essence of Yoga far beyond June 21st.

So, this International Day of Yoga, let’s celebrate the transformative power of this ancient practice. Let’s commit to nurturing our bodies, minds, and souls, and in doing so, create a ripple effect of well-being that extends to our communities and the world around us.

3 thoughts on “Uniting Body, Mind, and Soul: A Deep Dive into International Day of Yoga

  1. One of the benefits of sharing the specifics and ideas of the ancient traditions is recognizing that they have been the source of many of our modern traditions and ideas, which may not, in every case, be known to have originated with those ancient sources.

    Through the ages, interactions between the various cultures of the world over millenia have created variations of those traditions, especially in Western Civilization, where some aspects have been adapted and applied in different ways, enhancing the philosophical and spiritual traditions we see today.

    Every time I visit here I either learn something new or gain insights about the concepts of the subjects I research and write about myself, and I appreciate your continued efforts to inform and to share with all of your readers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for being such an interested reader of my blog and for your comments, that are always interesting! I find it awesome that people coming from different parts of the Globe can meet around knowledge and share their experiences, so to grow together.

      I wish you a nice evening.


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