Happy World Meditation Day!

May we use the energy of meditation to resonate with the energy of the Universe, inspiring a global awareness towards greater mindfulness, compassion, and harmony.

In a fast-paced and always-connected world, finding those helpful, blissed, and essential moments of inner peace and stillness has almost become a luxury. However, meditation has gained popularity year after year, thanks to the many advantages it has.

To celebrate this ancient practice and its profound positive impact on our entire being, World Meditation Day invites people from all walks of life to unite in a collective pursuit of inner tranquillity, improved well-being, and increased awareness.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

World Meditation Day, observed annually on May 21st, is a powerful reminder of the huge potential we have to tap into the very wellspring of holistic peace that resides within our beings. This celebration also serves as a call to action, encouraging everyone to set aside time every single day for cultivating awareness, practising mindfulness, and fostering inner growth.

Meditation is a millenary practice that accompanies humanity for thousands of years. It offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond physical relaxation and mental stillness.

Meditation enhances self-awareness, reduces stress, improves mental clarity, and fosters emotional resilience. By dedicating every day of our life some specific time to meditation, we holistically nourish our minds, bodies, and souls by creating a deeper connection between our most intimate, and truest being and the Universe.

World Meditation Day encourages individuals to explore different meditation techniques and find the one that resonates most with their personal journey.

Some of the many practices that can be used to try this ancient path are mindfulness, loving-kindness meditation, guided visualization, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Vipassana, just to name a few practices.

MMQG, the practice I developed and use in my personal and professional life, is a holistic series of exercises encompassing Meditation, Mindfulness, and Qi Gong, among others. Thus, it represents an ideal approach to these ancient practices with an eye to the needs of today’s lives.

Participating in World Meditation Day can be as simple as setting aside dedicated time for meditation on the designated day.

Here are a few suggestions to make the most of this transformative occasion:

  • Create your Sacred Space to meditate: Find a quiet corner in your home or a serene outdoor setting where you can immerse yourself in the practice of meditation.
  • Find a seed (optional): Before you begin your meditation practice, set a seed (an intention for the session). It could be cultivating inner peace, fostering compassion, or any other aspect of personal growth that resonates with you.
  • Practice: this can be done sitting quietly, walking, or practising a holistic series of exercises.
  • Do it with other people: you can try and find your local meditation communities, spiritual centres, or even online platforms to participate in collective meditation.
  • Share your feelings, ideas, and experience: after your meditation session, think about how it helped you, and then share your impressions with others, to help them.

Meditation is not just a practice; it is a profound act of self-care, self-improvement, and self-healing that also represents a gateway to a deeper level of awareness and connection with the Universe, eventually leading us towards the next levels of awakening.

Let us commit to integrating meditation into our daily lives. Even a few minutes of mindful breathing or a short moment of silent reflection can bring awesome positive benefits to our overall well-being. The benefits of meditation will also positively impact our relationships, our personal and professional lives, and even the communities we belong to.

As Thich Nhat Hanh once said: “Peace in oneself, peace in the world“. Meditation is a peaceful practice that improves us and our societies. By practicing it we can transform ourselves into living catalysts for positive change and ambassadors of peace in the world.

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