Daily writing prompt
If humans had taglines, what would yours be?

Imagine a world where every person walks around with a catchy tagline emblazoned above their head. “John: Hilarious Party Animal”, or “Sarah: Fiercely Independent Leader”.

While it might sound like a quirky episode of Black Mirror, it raises a fascinating question: do we really need to have taglines?

Photo by Kevin Malik on Pexels.com

The truth is, that they are a negative outcome of our flawed capitalistic society. As our names, though undeniably important (especially in a legal context!), are mere labels (as I wrote in this post) and they don’t capture the intricate tapestry of experiences, values, and choices that make us who we are, so taglines will never define who we really are.

So, I will share my idea about why the concept of a human tagline falls short.

Beyond Consumerism

The whole idea reeks of a consumeristic, marketing-based society. We’re bombarded with targeted advertising, constantly categorized and labelled.

A tagline would simply be another extension of this process, reducing us to a catchy slogan to be marketed to the world. In this capitalistic nightmare, products are meticulously branded, their essence distilled into a snappy phrase. The implication is unsettling: can we, as humans, be reduced to mere objects to be marketed and consumed?

I will always be against this commodification of human beings.


Commodification strips humanity of its richness. We are not pre-packaged goods; they are neatly categorized and ready for purchase while we are a swirling vortex of experiences, choices, and emotions.

Our worth doesn’t lie in a catchy slogan but in the ever-evolving narrative of our lives.

Focusing on taglines distracts from the true essence of what makes us human: our agency. We are not passive recipients of labels; we are the architects of our own stories. It’s the choices we make, the values we hold dear, the principles that guide us, and the relentless pursuit of purpose that define who we are.

We are way more than the sum of our parts – or a few pithy words. Imagine the stifling pressure to conform to a tagline. What if your essence is “Restless Wanderer” but life circumstances force you to become a “Dedicated Homebody”?

Labels are always, and by definition, limiting, failing to capture the complex and ever-evolving nature of a human being.

Our experiences shape us, but ultimately, it’s our choices that define our path. We have the agency to choose our purpose, values, principles, and ideals.

A tagline, imposed externally, disregards this fundamental human power.

Also, we, as human, living beings, are constantly changing, growing, and learning. A tagline, by its very nature, is static. It wouldn’t reflect your journey, your failures and triumphs, the person you are becoming.

Beyond the Label: Unveiling Your Inner Narrative

So, if taglines are flawed, how do we capture the essence of who we are?

Here’s the beauty – there’s no single answer. Each human journey is unique, a vibrant story filled with our experiences, challenges, and triumphs.

Here’s a path to embark on instead of seeking a tagline:

  • The Values Compass: Identify your core values and the guiding principles that inform your decisions. Are you driven by compassion, curiosity, or a relentless pursuit of knowledge and growth? Understanding your values is the foundation of self-discovery.
  • The Choice Architect: Reflect on all the choices you have made, big and small. If you made these choices with full awareness and not while driving on auto-pilot, they have shaped who you are today. Analyze them, not with regret, but as stepping stones on your path.
  • The Purpose Pathfinder: What ignites your soul? What problems do you want to address, understand, and solve? What legacy do you wish to leave behind? Unearthing your purpose also breathes meaning into your existence.
  • The Storyteller: Write your own story and walk your own journey. Through this process, you’ll better understand the person staring back from the mirror.

An Evolving Narrative

The beauty of this approach is that it’s not static. We are ever-evolving creatures, shaped by new experiences and the continuous refinement of our values. Our story is a dynamic document, constantly being rewritten.

While taglines may fall short, acknowledging our complexities is key. We are at the same time a full multitude of things – a fierce competitor and a nurturing caregiver, a lover of solitude and a social butterfly.

So, let us embrace the power of this AND instead of the limiting tags of the OR.

The Takeaway: we Are a Universe

So, let’s ditch these taglines. We are an entire universe, brimming with potential, shaped by our choices, and fueled by our purpose. Let us willingly, knowingly, and thankfully embrace the journey of self-discovery, and let your story unfold, one chapter at a time.

This diffused commodification of people is a real threat in our hyper-capitalist world. We are bombarded with messages that equate self-worth with material possessions and achievements. A human tagline would then simply be another tool to feed this insatiable machine, reducing us to objects to be judged and compared. We would be just what the algorithms tell the corporations about us.

Instead of taglines, let’s celebrate the things that truly define us:

  • Our Choices: The conscious decisions we make, big and small, shape who we are.
  • Our Values: The core principles that guide our actions and interactions.
  • Our Purpose: The reason that drives us, the difference we want to make in the world.
  • Our Ideals: Our aspirations, the world we strive to create.

These aren’t easily encapsulated in a phrase, but they are the very essence of humanity. It’s the journey, the constant striving, the ever-evolving self that matters, not a neatly packaged tagline.

So, the next time you feel the urge to define yourself with a slogan, remember – you are a universe, not a soundbite. Embrace the complexity, celebrate the choices, and let your actions speak louder than any tagline ever could.

2 thoughts on “The Immeasurable You: Why Humans Don’t Need Taglines

  1. Black Mirror is certainly a worthy reference in regards to the drawbacks of things that we think we need in our ever-progressing world. To quote Tom Baker as Doctor Who, ‘progress’ is a very flexible word. So the self-admission that I am a universe and not a soundbite has come a lot more easily for me. Indeed as our needs for a truly forward-evolving world for humanity is all the more imperative. Thank you, Raffaello.

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