Daily writing prompt
What gives you direction in life?

Life, for me, isn’t a random walk through existence.

It’s a purposeful journey guided by a compass forged from my deepest ideals, values, and principles. These principles stem from various philosophies that have resonated with me throughout my life, each strand intertwining with others, creating a richer map of my journey.

Image taken from Internet


At the heart of this journey lies a burning purpose.

It’s a feeling that transcends the mundane, a sense of being called to something bigger than myself. This purpose fuels my actions, giving them meaning and direction. It compels me to strive for a greater good and to leave the world a little better than I found it.

This purpose manifests differently for each person, but for me, it involves spiritual growth, helping, supporting, and taking care of others, or contributing to a more just and compassionate world.


Ideals are the guiding stars that illuminate the path towards my purpose. They represent the core aspects of the world I want to see and the person I want to be. These ideals range, just to name a few of them, from kindness and compassion to integrity and justice. They are the aspirations that keep me motivated, pushing me to bridge the gap between where I am and the person I strive to become.

Ideals provide a framework for how we want to live and interact with the world. They act as aspirational standards, constantly pushing us to be better versions of ourselves. While our ideals may evolve over time, they remain a powerful force in shaping our decisions and directing our energy.


Principles are the actionable steps we take to live following our values and ideals.

They translate abstract concepts into concrete guidelines for our behaviour. For instance, the principle of non-violence, a core Buddhist value, might manifest in a commitment to resolving conflicts peacefully. Other principles I follow are the ones of Social justice, sharing essential goods and commodities, redistribution of wealth, equality, Inclusion, and Diversity.

I promote a society without the negative pressure of discrimination, racism, capitalism, consumerism, and profit.

Principles provide a framework for decision-making, helping us navigate complex situations with clarity. They ensure consistency in our actions, fostering trust and reliability. By following well-defined principles, we can stay true to ourselves even when faced with external pressure or a tough environment, not fully aligned with such principles.


Values act as the bedrock upon which I build my life. They are the non-negotiables, the fundamental principles that inform my decisions and actions.

Some of my values include honesty, respect, self-discipline, dedication to learning, helping, and teaching, empathy, and perseverance.

They serve as the internal compass, ensuring my actions stay aligned with my ideals and ultimately, my purpose.

Values are the fundamental principles that underpin our actions. They represent what we hold dear, the things we believe are most important in life. They form the bedrock of our character, influencing our choices, both big and small.

While ideals might be aspirational, values are the guiding principles we strive to embody in everyday life. They act as our internal filter, helping us discern right from wrong and navigate moral dilemmas. A strong value system allows us to live with authenticity and integrity, fostering trust and respect from those around us.

The Eightfold Path: A Buddhist Journey

As a Buddhist monk, my life is deeply influenced by the Noble Eightfold Path.

This path outlines a framework for living a meaningful and ethical life. It emphasizes the importance of right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. These principles are the foundation upon which I build my interactions with the world.

Each aspect guides me towards a more peaceful and enlightened existence, helping me navigate the complexities of life and cultivate compassion for all beings.

Furthermore, the core tenets of Buddhism, such as the Four Noble Truths resonate deeply. The truth of suffering and its impermanence guides me to seek lasting happiness beyond the fleeting pleasures of the material world. The path of practice, with its emphasis on ethical conduct, mindfulness, and meditation, provides a framework for cultivating inner peace and wisdom.

This pursuit of wisdom is not a passive one. It requires active engagement with the world, observing my own thoughts and actions with a critical eye. Through this self-reflection, I can identify and uproot negative thoughts and cultivate positive qualities like generosity, compassion, and equanimity.

Stoicism: Wisdom for a Flourishing Life

Stoic philosophy also plays a significant role in shaping my direction. Stoicism teaches me to focus on the things I can control – my thoughts, actions, and reactions – while accepting the things outside my control.

It emphasizes the importance of reason, virtue, and resilience in the face of adversity. By cultivating wisdom and inner strength, I learn to navigate life’s challenges with grace and equanimity.

Like Buddhism, Stoicism emphasizes wisdom as a key virtue. It encourages me to seek knowledge and understanding, both of myself and the world around me. This pursuit of knowledge allows me to make sound judgments, navigate challenges with clarity, and ultimately live a more meaningful life.

Furthermore, Stoicism teaches me the importance of emotional resilience. It encourages me to cultivate a sense of inner strength, allowing me to maintain composure and equanimity in the face of difficulty. This doesn’t mean ignoring emotions, but rather understanding and accepting them without letting them control my actions.

Budo and Wushu: Cultivating Virtue Through Discipline

My journey as a martial artist further refines my sense of direction.

Japanese Budo (“the martial way”) emphasizes the importance of self-discipline, respect, and self-improvement. It teaches me to channel my physical strength and energy for positive purposes, and to be mindful of my actions and their consequences.

Similarly, Chinese Wushu (“martial arts”) disciplines my body and mind, cultivating focus, perseverance, and respect for fellow practitioners. These practices foster virtues that extend beyond the dojo, shaping me into a more centred and responsible individual.

Living a purposeful life guided by ideals, values, and principles is an ongoing journey. Each philosophy and practice I engage with adds another thread to the tapestry, enriching my understanding of myself and the world around me. It’s a continuous process of growth, learning from challenges and refining my approach. Ultimately, the direction in my life comes from a deep desire to leave a positive impact, to contribute to a more peaceful and just world, one step, one practice, and one mindful breath at a time.

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