Today’s Book of the Day is I’m just saying, written by Milan Kordestani in 2023 and published by Health Communications Inc EB.

Milan Kordestani is a social entrepreneur and author whose work aims to find common-ground solutions to systemic social and economic problems using civil discourse, education, and culture. He encourages his readers (in publications like HuffPost, Entrepreneur, and Rolling Stone) to find solutions that will create a positive change in our society.

I’m just saying, by Milan Kordestani

I have chosen this book because I cited it yesterday during a meeting where people were having some difficulties in expressing their point of view in a healthy, productive way.

In a world that is becoming more and more polarized under almost any aspect of human relationships, Milan Kordestani‘s brilliant book is almost a Northern Star, guiding readers through the art of civil discourse.

Kordestani recognizes the challenges of communication in our digital age, where conversations often dissolve into shouting matches devoid of nuance, empathy, and mutual respect. He argues convincingly that civil discourse, the ability to engage respectfully with those holding differing viewpoints, is the cornerstone of a functioning democracy.

Kordestani goes beyond simply advocating for civility. He equips readers with practical tools and strategies for navigating these conversations. The book delves into techniques for active listening, formulating arguments, and most importantly, finding common ground.

Real-world examples and relatable anecdotes illustrate the power of civil discourse, making his advice effective, universally applicable, and practically achievable.

This book, in my opinion, holds broad appeal. Whether you’re struggling with a difficult family conversation or navigating disagreements in the workplace, it provides you with valuable resources to enhance your communication skills, improve your emotional intelligence, and better understand the situation and the reasons for the disagreement.

While the book delves into the complexities of online interactions, it smartly does not neglect the importance of face-to-face communication, even if it deals with it a little bit too shortly. Yet, readers seeking guidance in both realms will find this book a valuable asset.

Kordestani‘s clear and engaging writing style makes I’m Just Saying accessible to a wide audience. The book’s emphasis on empathy and actionable advice make it a must-read for anyone who desires to bridge divides and have more productive conversations.

This is a book that deserves a prominent place on your bookshelf.

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