Letting Go for Harmony: A Journey of Understanding

Daily writing promptWhat could you let go of, for the sake of harmony?View all responses The question, "What could I let go of, for the sake of harmony?" is noble, yet its answer hinges on a crucial missing piece: a well-defined understanding of harmony itself. Photo by Ann H on Pexels.com Without a clear picture…

The Profound Wellspring: How Spirituality Nourishes My Life

Daily writing promptHow important is spirituality in your life?View all responses As an ordained Buddhist priest living as a layperson, spirituality isn't a compartment in my life, it's the wellspring that feeds it. It's the invisible line that connects every action, every thought, a constant awareness of a deeper reality that transcends this physical world.…

The Power of Structure: Building a Routine in 5 Steps

In personal and professional environments and conversations, I am often asked how to effectively and consistently set up a routine that allows people to grow. Photo by Akil Mazumder on Pexels.com The need for a routine comes from many's frustration for countless days spent in a whirlwind of obligations and distractions. They wake up early…

The Interesting Case of the Crush-less

Daily writing promptWrite about your first crush.View all responses There is a curious zero in my memories. Where most reminisce about blushing encounters and stolen glances, my past stretches out with no events of this kind, devoid of the fluttering heart and nervous energy that supposedly defines a crush. Photo by Breakingpic on Pexels.com So…

Finding My Path: A Journey Beyond Passion, Fueled by Learning and Compassion

Daily writing promptWhat are you passionate about?View all responses The concept of passion can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it ignites a fire within us, propelling us towards endeavours that spark joy and fulfilment. Yet, on the other hand, Buddhism teaches us that desire, the very root of passion, can also be…

Action for Happiness Calendar – June 2024

Here you are the Action for Happiness HAPPINESS CALENDAR for June 2024. This month's theme is being joyful. As usual, I will leave you my suggestions and ideas about joy. It's a word that evokes openness, harmony, and a sense of lightness in our being. But true joy is more than fleeting moments of happiness. It's a deep…