Letting Go for Harmony: A Journey of Understanding

Daily writing promptWhat could you let go of, for the sake of harmony?View all responses The question, "What could I let go of, for the sake of harmony?" is noble, yet its answer hinges on a crucial missing piece: a well-defined understanding of harmony itself. Photo by Ann H on Pexels.com Without a clear picture…

A Short Comparison: Shaolin Virtues vs. Confucian Principles

Both Shaolin virtues and Confucian principles are guiding lights for ethical conduct, but they stem from different philosophical backgrounds. Photo by Diana on Pexels.com Shaolin Temple, far from just a martial arts school, is steeped in the rich tapestry of Buddhist philosophy and is considered the cradle of Chan (Zen) Buddhism in China. This Buddhist…

The Profound Wellspring: How Spirituality Nourishes My Life

Daily writing promptHow important is spirituality in your life?View all responses As an ordained Buddhist priest living as a layperson, spirituality isn't a compartment in my life, it's the wellspring that feeds it. It's the invisible line that connects every action, every thought, a constant awareness of a deeper reality that transcends this physical world.…

Living the Dharma: A Buddhist Priest’s Exploration of Religion and Spirituality

Daily writing promptDo you practice religion?View all responses As a Buddhist priest living a lay life, my relationship with religion and spirituality occupies a unique space. On one side, I live within the realm of religious practice. Yet, there's another dimension to my practice, a more personal exploration that leans more towards spirituality. Photo by…

Beyond Names: A Disagreement with Ideologies

Daily writing promptWhat public figure do you disagree with the most?View all responses The question of which public figure I disagree with most feels like a loaded question. Disagreement, in my view, is less about personalities and more about the underlying ideas they champion. Photo by Markus Spiske on Pexels.com So, instead of singling out…

Exploring Diverse Topics for Deep Discussion

Daily writing promptWhat topics do you like to discuss?View all responses The question of what topics I like to discuss holds a fascinating mirror to the landscape of my own curiosity. Unlike a flat plain, my interests are more like a mountain range, with diverse peaks representing various subjects that pique my intellectual fervour. Photo…

A silly question

Daily writing promptWhat is one question you hate to be asked? Explain.View all responses There are some questions I am asked from time to time that, while seemingly innocuous, can sometimes feel reductive and miss the mark. One that comes up surprisingly often is, especially from people older than me, "Why are you Buddhist if…

Life’s Tapestry: Where Time Paints Our Perspectives

Daily writing promptHow do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?View all responses Significant life events and the relentless march of time are the threads that weave the tapestry of our perspective. Each joy, each struggle, and each passing season leaves its mark, shaping how we see and understand…

Book of the Day – The Celtic World

Today's Book of the Day is The Celtic World, edited by Miranda Green in 1995 and published by Routledge. Miranda Jane Aldhouse-Green is an archaeologist, writer, and academic, known for her research on the Iron Age and the Celts. She was Professor of Archaeology at Cardiff University from 2006 to 2013. The Celtic World, Edited by Miranda Green I have chosen this book…