Time: The Unreplenishable Treasure

Daily writing promptHow do you waste the most time every day?View all responses Time, unlike money or material possessions, is a finite resource. Every second that ticks by is gone forever. There are no rewind buttons, no do-overs, and no way to manufacture more hours in a day. This precious commodity deserves our utmost respect,…

The Paradox of Favorites: Embrace Having None.

Daily writing promptWhat’s your favorite thing about yourself?View all responses In a world that seems to be extremely obsessed with ranking and labelling, the question, "What's your favourite thing about yourself?" feels oddly confining. Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com It's as if we're expected to distil our complex being into a single, shining star.…

The Immeasurable You: Why Humans Don’t Need Taglines

Daily writing promptIf humans had taglines, what would yours be?View all responses Imagine a world where every person walks around with a catchy tagline emblazoned above their head. "John: Hilarious Party Animal", or "Sarah: Fiercely Independent Leader". While it might sound like a quirky episode of Black Mirror, it raises a fascinating question: do we…

The Curious Case of the Changeable Label: Why Your Name Isn’t Who You Are (But Maybe My Monastic Name Is?)

Daily writing promptIf you had to change your name, what would your new name be?View all responses Ah, names. Those labels we carry around, which are sometimes chosen for us from birth, and sometimes chosen by us later in life. A funny business, these names, don't you agree with me? Photo by Angela Roma on…

A Spark of Joy in the Everyday: Cultivating Contentment

Daily writing promptDescribe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.View all responses Life, in all its richness and complexity, offers us a constant stream of experiences. Some of these are grand, some fleeting, yet all contribute to that awesome journey of our existence. But within this flow, it's easy to lose…

Who Would I Like to Talk To Next? An Ode to the Present Moment

Daily writing promptWho would you like to talk to soon?View all responses An interesting query! Here's the thing: I don't anticipate who I'll speak with next. Photo by George Dolgikh on Pexels.com The future, by its very nature, is shrouded in uncertainty. Dwelling on it, especially with expectations, is a recipe for disappointment. Instead, I…