A Childhood Story of Stories: Why Every Book Was My Favourite

Daily writing promptDo you remember your favorite book from childhood?View all responses For many readers, childhood has a singular favourite book, a treasured companion that ignited that lifelong love of reading that we share. But for me, it wasn't one captivating story that held my heart captive, but an entire library of them. Photo by…

Book of the Day – I’m just saying

Today's Book of the Day is I'm just saying, written by Milan Kordestani in 2023 and published by Health Communications Inc EB. Milan Kordestani is a social entrepreneur and author whose work aims to find common-ground solutions to systemic social and economic problems using civil discourse, education, and culture. He encourages his readers (in publications…

The Enduring Power of a Reread

Daily writing promptWhat book could you read over and over again?View all responses As a devoted reader, choosing a single book to revisit repeatedly feels like picking a favourite child (hypothetical, of course!). My shelves groan with books I hold dear and each year, I expressly choose to carve out time to delve back into…

Book of the Day – Beginners

Today's Book of the Day is Beginners, written by Tom Vanderbilt in 2021 and published by Random House Large Print. Tom Vanderbilt is an American journalist, blogger, and contributor who writes and speaks about design, technology, science, and culture, among other subjects. Beginners, by Tom Vanderbilt I have chosen this book because I cited this…

Books of the year – 2023 Summary

We are at the end of the year, the right time to sum it up, collect our ideas, and see what we achieved during our planet's last revolution around its star. Year-End Reflections: A Bibliophile's Chronicle With a set goal of 150 books, I emerged from this year's literary journey having devoured a gratifying 194,…

Book of the Day – Descartes’ Error

Today's Book of the Day is Descartes’ Error, written by Antonio Damasio in 2005 and published by Penguin Books. Antonio Damasio is a Portuguese-American researcher, neuroscientist, and author. He is currently the David Dornsife Chair in Neuroscience, as well as a Professor of Psychology, Philosophy, and Neurology, at the University of Southern California, and an…

Book of the Day – Positive Health

Today's Book of the Day is Positive Health, written by Jolanta Burke, Pádraic J. Dunne, Trudy Meehan, Ciaran A. O’Boyle, and Christian van Nieuwerburgh in 2022 and published by Routledge. The authors are all experts in Positive Psychology, renowned authors, researchers, consultants, and coaches. Positive Health, by Jolanta Burke, Pádraic J. Dunne, Trudy Meehan, Ciaran A. O’Boyle, and Christian…

Book of the Day – Reimagining Workplace Well-being

Today's Book of the Day is Reimagining Workplace Well-being: Fostering a Culture of Purpose, Connection, and Transcendence, written by Jessica Grossmeier in 2022 and published by Modern Wisdom Press. Jessica Grossmeier, Ph.D., MPH is an award-winning advisor, speaker, and author expert in identifying science-based strategies, tools, and practices that generate awareness and increase well-being in…