A Childhood Story of Stories: Why Every Book Was My Favourite

Daily writing promptDo you remember your favorite book from childhood?View all responses For many readers, childhood has a singular favourite book, a treasured companion that ignited that lifelong love of reading that we share. But for me, it wasn't one captivating story that held my heart captive, but an entire library of them. Photo by…

Finding My Path: A Journey Beyond Passion, Fueled by Learning and Compassion

Daily writing promptWhat are you passionate about?View all responses The concept of passion can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it ignites a fire within us, propelling us towards endeavours that spark joy and fulfilment. Yet, on the other hand, Buddhism teaches us that desire, the very root of passion, can also be…

Ode to Crisp Air and Shorter Days: Why I Love Late Autumn and Winter

Daily writing promptWhat is your favorite season of year? Why?View all responses While I wouldn't necessarily describe myself as someone who has preferences, thanks to my Buddhist non-attachment, there's one area where I have a strong and clear affection: the seasons of the year. Photo by Riccardo on Pexels.com But here's the twist – my…

The Immeasurable You: Why Humans Don’t Need Taglines

Daily writing promptIf humans had taglines, what would yours be?View all responses Imagine a world where every person walks around with a catchy tagline emblazoned above their head. "John: Hilarious Party Animal", or "Sarah: Fiercely Independent Leader". While it might sound like a quirky episode of Black Mirror, it raises a fascinating question: do we…

The Myth of Material Happiness: Why a Good Life Isn’t About Things

Daily writing promptWhat are the most important things needed to live a good life?View all responses The shimmering allure of material possessions has long been touted as the key to a good life. Billboards bombard us with the latest gadgets, social media overflows with curated portrayals of extravagant lifestyles, and societal messages often conflate success…

Who Do We Spend the Most Time With? A Duality of Self and Other

Daily writing promptWho do you spend the most time with?View all responses The question of who we spend the most time with might seem an easy one to answer, at first. We picture our loved ones, our families, the people who fill our days with laughter and company. But there's another, perhaps more profound, way…

A Celebration of Continuous Growth

Daily writing promptWhat are you good at?View all responses The question, "What are you good at?" might seem straightforward on the surface, a simple icebreaker or self-assessment prompt. But beneath the surface, it's a question riddled with a lot of subjectivity and endless limitations. Let's dive into why it might be more empowering to focus…

The Infinite Library Within: Why Choosing Just Three Books is an Impossible Feat

Daily writing promptList three books that have had an impact on you. Why?View all responses Here we are again, with the evergreen question of impactful books. An apparently simple prompt that often transforms into a labyrinthine exploration of our intellectual journeys and choices. For someone like myself, devoted to harvesting knowledge from every available source…

A Spark of Joy in the Everyday: Cultivating Contentment

Daily writing promptDescribe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.View all responses Life, in all its richness and complexity, offers us a constant stream of experiences. Some of these are grand, some fleeting, yet all contribute to that awesome journey of our existence. But within this flow, it's easy to lose…