The Journey of Lifelong Learning: Why Expertise is a Constant Evolution

Let's talk about knowledge, specifically the kind that grants you a certain level of authority on a subject, both in your personal and professional life. Photo by Janko Ferlic on While I consider myself fortunate to having accumulated experience and expertise over a 30-year international career, the truth is, I'm far more comfortable discussing…

What Makes a Teacher Great

Daily writing promptWhat makes a teacher great?View all responses Great teachers leave an indelible mark on our lives. They ignite a thirst for knowledge, nurture curiosity, and empower us to reach our full potential. But what exactly makes a teacher exceptional? While there's no single recipe, some key ingredients consistently surface. Photo by Pixabay on…

Book of the Day – How to Meditate

Today's Book of the Day is How to Meditate, written by Pema Chödrön in 2013 and published by Sounds True. Pema Chödrön (Deirdre Blomfield-Brown) is an American Buddhist nun in the Tibetan tradition, closely associated with the Kagyu school and the Shambhala lineage. How to Meditate - Pema Chödrön I have chosen this book because…

Summer Solstice

Today we celebrate the Summer Solstice in the Northern Emisphere. Image Taken from Internet The longest day, the shortest night. A turning point in the wheel of the year, where the sun reaches its zenith and bathes the Northern Hemisphere with its light. This is the Summer Solstice, a phenomenon not just of scientific wonder,…

The Sculpting of Self: Crafting Daily Habits for Growth

Daily writing promptWhat are your daily habits?View all responses I think that to make progress and grow, we should consider our days like blocks, meticulously stacked to create the unique architecture of our lives. Each habit, in this metaphor a meticulously chosen brick, can be seen as a choice that shapes the direction and quality…

The Profound Wellspring: How Spirituality Nourishes My Life

Daily writing promptHow important is spirituality in your life?View all responses As an ordained Buddhist priest living as a layperson, spirituality isn't a compartment in my life, it's the wellspring that feeds it. It's the invisible line that connects every action, every thought, a constant awareness of a deeper reality that transcends this physical world.…

Adventures in Culture and Solitude

Daily writing promptWhat countries do you want to visit?View all responses The world is awesomely filled with vibrant cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and unique experiences. While the typical travellers might flit from one iconic landmark to another, ticking destinations off a bucket list, our vision extends far beyond a fleeting visit. For some countries, the allure…

Redefining Retirement: A Journey, Not a Destination

Daily writing promptHow do you want to retire?View all responses When I hear people speaking about retirement as the moment for spending time on rocking chairs or beach chairs, endless days with no schedule, and a complete disconnect from the world of work, well, I think I am lucky. Photo by Magda Ehlers on…