Daily writing prompt
Which animal would you compare yourself to and why?

Today’s question is interesting, but after some reflection, I’ve come to believe that comparing myself to an animal feels somewhat unfair to the one I would choose.

Each creature, from the tiniest insect to the biggest blue whale, has its own unique set of traits, characteristics, abilities, and limitations. Simply saying “I’m like that animal” feels like overlooking the incredible complexity and diversity of the animal kingdom, even if I like and love animals, all of them.

Photo by Raffaello Palandri

While it’s true that we, as humans, share certain common points with other primates and some other mammals, we are ultimately a distinct species with our own unique evolutionary path. Reducing ourselves to a single comparison to another species wouldn’t do justice to the richness of the human experience and the animals’ evolution.

Instead of seeking superficial comparisons, I find it more meaningful to appreciate the incredible range of life on our planet and celebrate the unique qualities that each species brings to the world.

Additionally, comparing myself to an animal, even with the most positive connotations, could unintentionally downplay the intrinsic value of that animal and its existence. Each animal has its own place, its own struggles, and its own contributions to the ecosystem. I believe it’s important to appreciate them for who they are, not as a potential extension of ourselves.

Let’s avoid this tendency toward humanization and anthropomorphism or their opposite, zoomorphism. Looking for similarities is good when searching for ways to better interact with other beings, yet identifying or projecting with an animal sounds like a pointless use of our intellect.

Therefore, instead of drawing a singular comparison, I choose to celebrate the incredible diversity of life on Earth. Every species, including our own, possesses something valuable and unique, and appreciating those differences allows us to gain a deeper understanding of the animals, and perhaps even ourselves.

So, instead of seeking pointless comparisons, let us focus on appreciating the interconnectedness of all living things and fostering a deeper understanding, care, and respect for the natural world.

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